Sunday, March 27, 2011

Yes I'm Still Here!!!!!!!!!

Ok so I know it's been a while since I last posted a vlog or a blog but I've been crazy busy with the musical. We're heading into the last few days before the show so this week is going to be the most crazy yet. We've go rehearsal everyday from 4:00 to whenever we either show the director what she wants, pass out, or die. I'm not sure what will come first personally....although it'll probably be the passing out. I'm incharge of 19 sixth graders everyday this week too. I was talking to my director the other day while we were setting out props before rehearsal and I said "I just realized that I don't have any props to take care of" & she said "No, you've just got 19 sixth graders to keep inline!" It was funny but it was probably one of those "you had to be there" moments...I tend to have those a lot by the way.

In other news....I've become totally addicted to A Very Potter Musical! After months of my friends trying to get me to watch it on YouTube, I finally took the time to watch it. It is FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!! I'm totally in love with every member of that cast - particularly Darren Criss and Joe Walker ;-)

Their musical - coupled with the fact that I won't be able to do the school musical with my friends next year due to the fact that I'm graduating in a matter of two months - has inspired my best friend and I to write our own. We're really excited but we don't really have time to work on it until Joseph's over this week.

Well I need to actually try to get out of bed before I have to go to rehearsal later!

Love you all,

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