Thursday, March 3, 2011


Hey everybody!!!!
So I've been super busy this week with the school play/voice lessons/teaching cello lessons. I'd like to say I have a really good story to tell, but that would be a lie...I'll just do my best to tell you all what's been going on recently.

My school's basketball teams (boys & girls) are both at their respective state tournaments today and tomorrow. As a result, my senior class of 84 students today had a grand total of 42 in attendance. Talk about a long & seemingly pointless day! 1st period we took notes, 2nd period I watched Marie Antoinette (the one with Kirsten Dunst) on my computer, 3rd period I went to the museum, 4th period I ran an errand for my choir teacher over to my dad's office, 5th period we watched Blood Diamond (can I just say that I totally LOVE Leo DiCaprio????), 6th period we took notes, and 7th period we watched P.S. I Love You. If I hadn't missed an entire week two weeks ago I would definitely skip, but alas I can't. Tomorrow should be more of the same. Study hall 1st & 2nd (which translates into I better bring some dvds), 3rd is over to the museum, 4th I'm practicing my solo for our district music festival next month, 5th probably Slumdog Millionaire, 6th Wii combined w/ Risk (such a lovely combination :-D), & 7th more movies!!!!! & this is the shining example of my parents' tuition money hard at work...Actually I can't really blame the school or the teachers. We really can't just call it quits for a couple of days unless we wanted to add onto the school year (which I guarantee no one wants to do!).

In other news...I've become completely & hopelessly addicted to Army Wives. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! I mostly started watching it because we were watching The Ultimate Gift in my religion class & I wanted to see something else with Drew Fuller in it. Well now I'm officially hooked. I've watched all of the 1st season and most of the 2nd season in just a couple of days!!!!!!! (although I have to admit I should probably spend that time working on homework).

Well that's about it...I'll post another video soon...I PROMISE!!!!!!!! (working on it tomorrow night for the record)

I love you all!


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