Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm Back

Ok so I know it's been a while but I really HAVEN'T fallen off the face of the earth...I've just been a wee bit too busy with musical rehearsal, the shows for the musical, district music festival, and trying to get caught up after the shows last weekend. I promise to have a new vlog up some time this week....I'll definitely have more time now that I don't have anything too do this week after school (except for voice and cello lessons).

BTW voice lessons for me, cello lessons being taught by me

Anyway....I finally have time to take a breather lately :-) I kind of miss play practice, but then I remember how much homework I may or may not have skipped the last three weeks...fortunately most of the teachers are either offering extra credit or a lot more class work to help boost grades...I know how to do everything, it's just a matter of actually doing it!

Well I'll give the full update in vlog form this week!

Love you all!!

1 comment:

  1. Don't be alarmed or DissMayed at my blogs - they're only experiences I had growing-up. Some are mo intuitive and steadfast, while others are mo whorizontal and fulla brilliant thots yet they never have the moxie to wiseabove. Doesn't matter. You shall, miss gorgeous, to join me at my BIG-ol, kick-ass, pardy-hardy beyond the clouds. Meet me Upstairs, girl, and lemme kiss your adorable feets. God bless you.
