Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lack of Vlogging!

To anyone who regularly watches my vlogs...I'm eternally sorry that I haven't had a chance to post one since...oh let's see...since about January 26th. I promise there really REALLY REALLY REALLY is one in the making! Between being sick, play practice every night, having so much homework that the biggest bookworm would be stressed (although I just might actually be that bookworm), and being gone for a week being a Page for the Montana House of Representatives, I've had enough time to film a wee bit here and there, but no time to actually edit it into a movie...I promise there will be a new video within the next week. I've got tomorrow (President's Day) out of school so I should have a little time before I have to find a Go Go outfit for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and go to rehearsal. I'm hoping to have one up tomorrow...if not I will continue to feel bad & I might do something about it someday in the near future.

Well those are all of the excuses I have for now!

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